Deploying with AWS CDK

AWS CDK constructs for PHP on AWS Lambda

The Bref (opens in a new tab) CDK constructs let you deploy serverless PHP applications on AWS Lambda using the AWS CDK.

By default, Bref deploys using the Serverless Framework (opens in a new tab). Using the AWS CDK is an alternative, but be aware that this is an advanced topic. If you are lost, follow the Bref documentation (opens in a new tab) instead.


Install the package (opens in a new tab) with NPM:

npm install


Simple example to deploy an HTTP application:

import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { App, Stack } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { PhpFpmFunction } from '';
class MyStack extends Stack {
    constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
        super(scope, id, props);
        new PhpFpmFunction(this, 'Hello', {
            handler: 'public/index.php',
const app = new App();
new MyStack(app, 'test', {
    env: {
        region: 'eu-west-1',




This construct deploys a PHP function with the HTTP runtime (opens in a new tab).

new PhpFpmFunction(this, 'MyFunction', {
    handler: 'public/index.php',

It inherits from the AWS CDK Function construct (opens in a new tab) with these options set by default:

  • handler: index.php by default
  • runtime: provided.al2
  • code: the code is automatically zipped from the current directory.
  • layers: the Bref layer is automatically added.
  • memorySize: 1024
  • timeout: 28 (seconds)

The code is automatically zipped from the current directory. You can override this behavior by setting the code property:

import { packagePhpCode } from '';
new PhpFpmFunction(this, 'MyFunction', {
    code: packagePhpCode('custom-path', {
        exclude: ['docs'],

The following paths are always excluded: .git, .idea, cdk.out, node_modules, .bref, .serverless, tests.

The construct also adds the following options:

  • phpVersion (default: 8.1): the PHP version to use.


This construct deploys a PHP function with the "event-driven function" runtime (opens in a new tab).

new PhpFunction(this, 'MyFunction', {
    handler: 'my-handler.php',

It inherits from the AWS CDK Function construct (opens in a new tab) with these options set by default:

  • runtime: provided.al2
  • code: the code is automatically zipped from the current directory.
  • layers: the Bref layer is automatically added.
  • memorySize: 1024
  • timeout: 6 (seconds)

The code is automatically zipped from the current directory. You can override this behavior by setting the code property:

import { packagePhpCode } from '';
new PhpFunction(this, 'MyFunction', {
    // ...
    code: packagePhpCode('custom-path', {
        exclude: ['docs'],

The following paths are always excluded: .git, .idea, cdk.out, node_modules, .bref, .serverless, tests.

The construct also adds the following options:

  • phpVersion (default: 8.1): the PHP version to use.


This construct deploys a PHP function with the "console" runtime (opens in a new tab).

new ConsoleFunction(this, 'Artisan', {
    handler: 'artisan',

It inherits from the AWS CDK Function construct (opens in a new tab) with these options set by default:

  • runtime: provided.al2
  • code: the code is automatically zipped from the current directory.
  • layers: the Bref layers are automatically added.
  • memorySize: 1024
  • timeout: 6 (seconds)

The code is automatically zipped from the current directory. You can override this behavior by setting the code property:

import { packagePhpCode } from '';
new ConsoleFunction(this, 'Artisan', {
    // ...
    code: packagePhpCode('custom-path', {
        exclude: ['docs'],

The following paths are always excluded: .git, .idea, cdk.out, node_modules, .bref, .serverless, tests.

The construct also adds the following options:

  • phpVersion (default: 8.1): the PHP version to use.