Use cases
SQS asynchronous tasks

SQS asynchronous tasks

SQS is a service (like RabbitMQ) that allows you to queue messages (aka "jobs"). It is a good fit for asynchronous tasks because it integrates natively with AWS Lambda.

Whenever a new message (job) is sent to SQS, Lambda is invoked with the message data. That means that there is no need to poll SQS, or run daemon/long-running processes to wait for messages. Lambda is invoked only when there are messages to process.


If you are using Laravel or Symfony, you should look at the Laravel Queues integration or Symfony Messenger integration instead of integrating with SQS events directly:

Handling SQS events

To handle SQS events (opens in a new tab), extend the SqsHandler class:

use Bref\Context\Context;
use Bref\Event\Sqs\SqsEvent;
use Bref\Event\Sqs\SqsHandler;
class MyHandler extends SqsHandler
    public function handleSqs(SqsEvent $event, Context $context): void
        foreach ($event->getRecords() as $record) {
            // We can retrieve the message body of each record via `->getBody()`
            $body = $record->getBody();
            // do something

Then, create a Lambda function that listens to SQS events with the handler you created:

    # ...
        handler: App\MyHandler
            - sqs:
                arn: arn:aws:sqs:eu-west-1:111111111111:queue-name
                # process one message at a time
                batchSize: 1

The App\MyHandler class will be instantiated by Laravel's service container.

Creating SQS queues

It is possible to deploy a preconfigured SQS queue in serverless.yml using the Queue feature of the Lift plugin (opens in a new tab). For example:

        type: queue
            handler: handler.php

Partial Batch Response

While handling a batch of records, you can mark it as partially successful to reprocess only the failed records.

In your function declaration in serverless.yml, set functionResponseType to ReportBatchItemFailures to let your function return a partial success result if one or more messages in the batch have failed.

        handler: handler.php
            - sqs:
                arn: arn:aws:sqs:eu-west-1:111111111111:queue-name
                batchSize: 10
                functionResponseType: ReportBatchItemFailures

In your PHP code, you can now use the markAsFailed method:

    public function handleSqs(SqsEvent $event, Context $context): void
        foreach ($event->getRecords() as $record) {
            // do something
            // if something went wrong, mark the record as failed

Learn more

Learn more about all the options available for SQS events in serverless.yml in the Serverless Framework documentation (opens in a new tab).

You can also learn more about SQS, workers, scaling queues, and dealing with errors in Serverless Visually Explained (opens in a new tab).