Sentry integration for AWS Lambda

Advanced Sentry integration for PHP applications running on AWS Lambda. Track cold starts, event-driven invocations, and more.
Sentry integration for AWS Lambda
Exception tracking.
Add exception tracking to AWS Lambda handlers like SQS, EventBridge, S3 handlers, and more.
Cold start tracking.
Track cold starts and Bref startup duration in Sentry performance tracing.
Lambda handler performance tracking.
Trace the performance of event-driven PHP Lambda handlers (SQS, EventBridge, etc.).
AWS SDK tracking.
Measure AWS SDK calls in performance tracing to troubleshoot performance issues.
Simple pricing
The license is a one-time purchase and includes free updates for a year. If you prefer to get all future updates, you can enable automatic license renewals.

Single project

79one-time payment
  • Single project
  • Unlimited users
  • Composer package & documentation
  • Free updates for one year
  • 10% discount with yearly license renewal enabled


199one-time payment
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited users
  • Composer package & documentation
  • Free updates for one year
  • Email support
  • 10% discount with yearly license renewal enabled
Invoices and receipts available for easy company reimbursement.

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out via email.
Where can I learn more about each feature?
You can find more information about each feature in the documentation.
What is a considered a "project"?
You can use a "Single Project" license on one "service" or "application" (for example a Laravel or a Symfony project). If one application is deployed to multiple environments (like "dev", "staging", "production"…), it counts as a single project (non-production environments are ignored). If one application contains multiple AWS Lambda functions, it still counts as a single project.
However, if you deploy multiple applications, multiple services (e.g. with microservices), or deploy the same application for multiple customers (aka multi-tenant) or to multiple regions, you need an "Unlimited" license (or a license for each application).
Do I get invoices?
Yes, you will receive an invoice by email after your purchase.
What is the refund policy?
7-days, full refund, no questions asked.
Can I use an unlimited license for all of my client projects?
Not exactly. An unlimited license provides you unlimited access for all of your projects, but it doesn't mean your client is also allowed to use your license. Your clients will need their own license to use the Sentry integration for their projects.
Are there any bulk pricing options?
That is possible, please get in touch.
What are the terms of service?
Please follow the following link to read the Terms of service for the Sentry integration.