Frequently asked questions

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What is a considered an "application"?
Technically speaking, an application is a deployment unit, i.e. a CloudFormation stack. In more common terms, an application is a single PHP project. It can for example be a Laravel, Symfony, or any other PHP application. One application can be deployed to multiple environments (dev, staging, production, etc.), but it is still considered a single application. Note that some applications have a JS frontend (like a React app) and a PHP backend: if both are deployed together in a single config file, they are considered a single application.
Do I get invoices?
Yes, you will receive an invoice by email after your purchase.
Can I use AWS credits?
Yes. Since applications run in your AWS account, you can use your AWS credits for the usage of AWS services.
What's your refund policy?
We generally offer refunds within 14 days of purchase, but please email us to if you aren't happy with Bref Cloud and we'll find a solution.
What are the terms of service and privacy policy?
Here are the links to the terms of service and the privacy policy of Bref Cloud.